08 August 2014

Love, Love Comes First

Here I go again… I haven’t blogged in over a year and here I am wondering why again. Mostly though, I know why but that doesn’t matter right now. I’m ready to start again. I want to start with my most recent photo challenge – the only photo challenge I have ever actually completed in its entirety and I am so very happy that I did. It was the Radical Self Love Instagram challenge and my favorite that I have ever come across. It’s no surprise that something so amazingly simple was created by Gala Darling and you know I love everything that she does and what she represents as a person. She exudes more happy fuzzy feelings {and pinkness} than one person should be allowed but that’s silly to say and she does anyway, so I’m glad to have met her in this life. For the month of July she offered me {and all of her readers} the opportunity to challenge myself; not only through my creativity, but in remembering who I am and what kind of person I want to be every day.
I want to be happy and I want to inspire. I want to inspire people to get out there and do new things. Try new things that make you giggle and feel excitement. We only have one life after all, right? Right. Who has time for the animosity and grudges. I smile because I’m happy and I love seeing other people smile too. I just kind of forgot for a little while.
Taking on this challenge reminded me to find the good in every day. I should wake up with a smile and be grateful because I do get to wake up and live another day. 

Find out more about Gala Darling's Radical Self Love HERE.

"here's the thing - the horribly, eye-rollingly cheesy thing: no one can be a better version of yourself than you.
and becoming the best possible example of your you-ness does not include focusing on how much you dislike another person."
{tavi gevinson}


NikkiDee said...

so great! I loved this challenge, can't wait for the next one! :D

Zoe said...

Wonderful Blog.... Thanks for sharing with us...
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